Friday, October 29, 2010

An Extra Set of Hands

For the past several years I've joked that I needed a wife. Someone who could take care of the cleaning, cooking, etc while I was at work. Well now I am at home and I could still use that wife. Ironically last night while I was putting the boys to bed, Drew wanted me to lay with him and I told him he needed to wait till I was done feeding Ryan. Drew then said. "I wish there were two moms and dads", I guess Drew wants a wife too. If only I could clone myself. Just think about how productive I/we could be. But that got me thinking would I just create one clone or should I create a clone for each child, what about Craig, one for him too? And then what about me? How about a clone that could just take care of me and then heck while I'm at it, how about one more that could keep working too. It all sounds very wonderful, but then we'd probably be bored with not enough to do. But it sure does sound nice.

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