Monday, September 6, 2010

Wondering What the Future Holds . . .

The other morning while feeding Ryan I starting thinking about the future. I had random thoughts running through my head (sleep depravation can do strange things to your body & mind). Anyway, I was wondering which older brother Ryan will look most like, what the dynamic of the family will be with 3 boys, I even wondered which brother each boy will pick to be his best man in his wedding. Hard to believe that some day these special little boys will be all grown up. I know the time will come faster than we expect. So I guess in the meantime we'll take each day one day at a time, get through this sometimes challenging newborn stage, send Drew off to school and worry later if I'll approve of their future wives. But seeing I am the mother of 3 boys perhaps I should start thinking about becoming a manager of a potential boy band or at the very least a trucking company.

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