Monday, September 27, 2010

Drew's First Day of Kindergarten

It is hard to believe that Drew has started Kindergarten. He of course was very excited for the start of school and could hardly wait for the bus to arrive on the first day, and still can't wait. I think he started asking around 10:00 am when the bus was coming (it picks him up at 12:33). So far he is enjoying school. His favorite things about school are; riding the bus, the chocolate milk at snack time (he has informed me that he'll be picking chocolate milk EVERY DAY!), library day and walking home with the neighbor girl. Hopefully he'll develop other interests that are more academic as the year passes by.

As for me, I did better than I had expected. I was completely composed till the bus pulled away and then my eyes swelled up with tears, even a week or so later I would still tear up as the bus pulled away, however it is hard to be sad when he is so excited to go.

I have two strong memories from Drew's first day of school. It is the high-five that he gave me as he got on the bus, no sense hugging your mom in front of all your friends ya know. And the other memory is of the look on Matt's face as the bus pulled away. He was standing up against the garage with his boo (his blanket) with the saddest look on his face. I really wish I would have taken a photo of him so I'd never forget the look. I honestly think he was most sad that he couldn't ride the bus, but I do know he misses Drew while he is away. But luckily school is just a short two and a half hours so Drew is back before we can really miss him and he and Matt can get back to where the left off which often means fighting over a toy - oh brotherly love!

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