Monday, September 27, 2010

Matt's First Day of Preschool

Matt also started his first preschool class this year. We've been talking about school all summer and he gets very excited when we pass his school and points it out to everyone in the car to make us all aware. However as you can see in the photo, he is not as excited about preschool. He doesn't like getting dropped off and being left there, but he does tell me all about it when I pick him up, so it can't be that bad.

Most nights we ask each of the boys what made them sad, mad and glad during the day. The other night here were Matt's responses: It made him sad that I left him at school. It made him mad that I left him at school and it made him glad that I picked him up. I know it is a transition and that very soon, he'll also be high-fiving me when I drop him off. But boy does it pull on my heart strings when I have to rip him off of my leg and leave him there crying. However I am enjoying the occasional run to Target with just Ryan. Hey there silver lining on every situation!

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