Monday, September 3, 2012

Dificult Parenting Decisions

This past spring we decided to hold Matt back and not send him to Kindergarten this fall. While we know he is probably smart enough, he is very timid, gets anxious in new situations, isn't overly motivated to learn and is still struggling with some of the constipation issues. All of that has helped us make the decision to have him wait one more year to start kindergarten.

Matt is upset that he isn't going, especially seeing all of his friends are, but we are standing with our decision. It breaks my heart to know that he isn't happy with our decision, but we are chalking it up as a learning experience for all of us that he has to learn that he's not going to get everything he wants as well as for us that even though he's disappointed, we can't give in and don't need to do anything to make it up to him. And on the bright side he's growing up fast enough so we don't need to rush it even more.

1 comment:

Jackie Craig said...

Those are tough decisions and as parents we are the ones who know our children best. Good for you for making a tough decision and sticking with it!!!