Thursday, January 27, 2011


When I was working I had to complete a timesheet every week to report how much time I had spent on various projects so that we could bill the client appropriately. A few weeks ago I started to wonder what my new timesheet would look like. As I think about it, I technically bill 24 hours a day. Even if I'm sleeping I'm always on call, you just never know when Ryan (or any of the boys for that matter) will wake up in the middle of the night. And worse yet when someone is up sick in the middle of the night, I swear there is nothing worse than waking up to the sound of someone getting sick. Yuck!

I think I spend the bulk of my day billing time to meal prep, this includes the obvious - making the meal (3X/day), but cleaning up afterwards, loading and unloading the dishwasher and probably even planning and shopping for meal and of course feeding Ryan needs to be added to this area as well.

I think I spend almost as much time on laundry. Drew and Matt have hit a stage where they change clothes a few times a day and think everything needs to be washed. On a positive note they at least put their "dirty" clothes in their hampers so I can't really complain.

I'm trying to spend a decent amount of time working out, so a few days a week I'm billing time to being at Lifetime (our gym).

Then I spend some time on a guilty pleasure called Facebook and the internet - this isn't billable time, but does help me keep my sanity.

Then I'm not really sure where the rest of my time is spent but I know some of it is spread out between cleaning the house, playing with the kids, running errands, having the kids not listen to me, breaking up fights, getting everyone ready for school, dealing with a fussy baby and at least a weekly trip to the Motherland (AKA Target).

Guess I should get back to work and be billable!

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