Saturday, January 8, 2011

I had no idea . . .

When I decided to stay at home I thought I had a pretty good idea of what my new life would be like, but now that I've been on the job for about 4 months, I've realized I had no idea what I was in for.

I thought I'd have a cleaner house (although someone warned me about that) which now makes sense as we are home so much more.

I actually thought I'd be bored and miss working, nope, not bored at all. And of course the project manager in me has created both a regular "chore" schedule in addition to a long to-do/wish list that will take me to retirement age. I haven't had time to miss work. And thanks to my beloved Facebook, I still feel very connected to the outside world.

I thought we'd go for more walks or visits to the park (heck the park is literally across the street). And I have to give myself a little slack here seeing Ryan was just born at the end of Aug. but I seriously thought we would have gone for more walks or visits to the park this fall, we barely did that this fall, but hopefully will make it out more easily this spring and summer.

I expected that I'd have a healthy dinner made and ready to eat by 6:00 each night. Boy was I wrong on this one. Seems as though the boys like to gang up on me around 5:00 each night all needing attention so sometimes our menu needs to change and often a frozen pizza becomes our dinner. Although I think I can honestly (and proudly) say that I have yet to serve the boys mac-n-cheese for lunch, but they have had their fair share of PBJ.

I never thought that I'd actually want to workout and am even more surprised how bummed I am when my weekly schedule changes and I can't work out. I am actually enjoying working out, I'm motivated to loose my baby weight this year, but have to be honest that one of my main reasons for working out on a regular basis is the opportunity to drop off the boys in the child care center and spend an hour for me.

I never dreamt that most days, even weeks, I wouldn't drive any farther than Lifetime (our gym), preschool and of course Target (these are all within 5 miles of our house). And on many of those days when I did leave the house I would be unshowered and often by choice - hey they say it is best not to wash your hair each day - right!?!

I wasn't 100% that I'd LOVE staying home, but knew it was the best choice for our family. Turns out I'm loving it!

1 comment:

Kelly Preimesberger and Eric Snyder said...

I didn't even know you had a blog and I am glad that I found it. Motherhood and being a staying at home mom. It is hard work isn't it? I just talked to my boss the other day and she said that staying at home and taking care of the kids is the hardest job and I would have to agree. I love it and have enjoyed being home with Finn and bonding. I will have to admit that I have gone stir crazy. I restricted Finn and us of not going out for the first 6 months of life and that has to do with his CHD. We did get out this summer a couple of times and we are finally letting go and having Finn enjoy the outside world and he loves it! I love it too. I am glad you are enjoying being at home. You are a great mom!