Saturday, December 17, 2011

A + A = A+

For those of you who know Craig or I, you know that we both have Type A qualities. Well, when two Type A's have kids, those kids are either going to be really strong Type A's or are going to rebel. Drew seems to be following in our footsteps. Here are a few examples:
- Recently Drew had so proudly moved (reorganized several items in his room. Craig unknowingly moved all those items back as he was concerned that Ryan would get into them. The next day Drew made a sign for his door that said, "Do Not Arrange Anything!".
- Drew also recently told me, "I think organizing is fun, sometimes I think it is more fun than playing!" Poor kid doesn't have a chance.

As for Matt and Ryan, the jury is still out on their personality types, hopefully they can survive living with us!

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