Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello First Grade

Drew started First Grade this year. Now that he's got a few weeks under his belt, here is what we've learned:
* The hamburgers are his favoirte hot lunch meal. However, he does not like the fries, tater tots, tacos. And I'm pretty sure he rarely takes the fruit or veggie options, but would be willing to bet chocolate milk is the first thing on his tray. Guess we are going to have to work on that balance.
* His music teacher is "hilarious" - his words not mine.
* Like most kids, especially boys, recess and gym are two of his favorite activties.
* He's already too cool to be seen with his mom so I can only walk him as far as the crosswalk then he's on his own.
* He's already learned that if he'd rather sleep in and will often ask for 5 more minutes, little does he know I've started waking him up 5 minutes earlier.
* Even though he complains about having to read a book every night, I can tell he's very proud of himself and we are too.
* He's teacher seems great - like one of those rare finds that a student will remember for many years down the road.
Here's to a great year of First Grade!
Here's to a fun year of

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