Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is There a Dr. in the House?

We are six weeks into the year and my family has been more sick than I ever remember. I believe the culprit is the Lifetime child center, so while I've been taking care of my health, my kids are getting sick. Ugh!

I started thinking last night about how sick everyone has been, here are the numbers:
* I've called the clinic about 9 times this year
* We've visited the clinic 6 times, plus we have a recheck scheduled for later this week.
* I've had prescriptions filled 6 times
* Too many hours of lost sleep to count
* Ears have been infected 3 times
* Drew had strep throat 1 time
* Matt had either an eye infection or at the very least a clogged tear duct
* Ryan had RSV - which lead to a lot of the above
* I think everyone in the family at some point in the past 6 weeks has had an upset stomach, fever or other flu like symptoms
* Ryan has gotten 2 teeth and while it isn't an illness you might just as well count it as one seeing they make kids miserable.

I think I'm going to go wash my hands - again!

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