Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do I get out outta here?

I feel like a Chilean Miner. About a month ago we noticed that Ryan got REALLY fussy at night. I did a little research and narrowed it down to what I thought was Acid Reflux. So when we went in for Ryan's 2 month check, I explained to his Doctor what was going on, he agreed and we put a plan of action into place to treat the Acid Reflux. The Dr. suggested we come back a week later to see how things were going. At the one week check we hadn't really seen any improvment so we said let's check back in one more week. During the next week I narrowed down the problem, it was the formula that was bothering him. So I of course told the Dr my hypothesis so then he gave me a can of of soy formula as well as a hypoallergenic formula as a last resort. Well we struck out on the soy formula and the he's only had about 1 oz of the hypoallergenic formula but seemed to tollerate it, unfortunatly it costs about twice as much as the regular milk based formula. So I'm trying to give him as much breast milk as possible, which is leaving me feeling trapped. I'm on the right path and soon I'll be feeling better, but this is one tough job. Perhaps by the time all is said and done I'll be a member of the La Leche League!

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