Thursday, March 15, 2012

Go Wild!

Craig's sister and brother-in-law are season ticket holders to the Wild (MN Hockey Team). They recently had the opportunity to use a suite at one of the games and were nice enough to invite us. Drew and Matt and I all went to the game and had a great time. As you can see Matt even made a sign. Here is a picture of Drew, Matt and their cousin Maddie.

Who Needs Chairs?

Behind Bars

I'm hoping this in the only time we see Ryan behind bars!

Foxy Matt

The topic at preschool the other day was about foxes so they made these hats as one of their activities. Matt literally wore it all day till bath time. He was so cute with it, I had to take his picture.

18 Months X3

For those of you keeping score, here are pictures of all 3 boys at about 18 months. Can you tell who's who?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Sign of Spring

We are having very unseasonably warm weather here right now. Today was March 14 and the high was in the 70s. We've been obviously taking advantage of the warm weather and playing outside as much as we can. Yesterday I reminded the boys that they are going to have to take baths more often now that the weather is nicer. Drew asked, "why?". I reminded him, "you said you were sweaty today and when we are sweaty we have to take baths to get ourselves clean". His response was, "Well I was only 1% sweaty. Actually I was 1% sweaty in the park but I was 5% sweaty when we were playing in the cul-de-sac". I'm still laughing about his response.