Saturday, December 17, 2011


I kind of fell off the "Updating our Blog Wagon". So I'm back, I had a nice quiet night here so I've posted a few entries that I've been meaning to write. Hope you enjoy them.

Future Spelling Bee Champ

Spelling has never come easy for me (or Craig for that matter). So when Drew started coming home with spelling words I almost dreaded it for him. So to our surprise, the kid is getting a perfect score on every test! Each week he has 6 words (man, cat, and). Then he has 2 challenge words (milk, dish, crack). He also has to write a sentence that is worth ten points if he gets all the words spelled, plus punctuation, etc. (Many frogs like blue and green dots.) Then there are these Super Challenge Words. This part amazes me. He is spelling words like; octopus, thought, trapeze and December. I'm impressed and now I think I'm going to use spell check quick to make sure I got them all correct.

37 Doesn't Look So Bad!

For my recent birthday, I received a nice surprise of flowers. I think this is maybe the second time that Craig has ever had flowers delivered to me, so this was a treat! There are 4 red roses from my 4 favorite guys in my life and then the rest of white. I'm a lucky girl!

Happy Ground hog's Day

Since school started in September, I've been joking that it feels like I'm in the movie Ground hog's Day. As each morning we try to leave the house at 8:30 to allow us enough time to walk to school. Every morning we see the same other people on our street walking to school, the same mini-vans from farther down the street driving their kids to school and the same buses going to school. I always know if we are on schedule based on where everyone is in the morning (and I know if others are on-time too). I love routine, but some days I could use a little change. So maybe now that the weather is getting cold, we'll drive Drew to school on occasion and we can change it up a bit. Happy Ground hog's Day!

Last Laugh

The other night the boys tried to play a trick on us and hid after we put them to bed. So when I went into their room to tuck them in before going to bed myself, I was at first confused as to where they where. Then I checked one of their favorite hiding spots. Both of them had squeezed into the area under the desk and between the bed. Believe it or not, they slept there the entire night. And just to give you a little perspective, they are sleeping between the bed and the desk where you can see the red blanket on the floor. Crazy kids!

All Grown Up

Many of you know that we've had lots of struggles with Matt in the bathroom. We are working on those and are slowly making progress. So the other day I was very surprised to see Matt going to the bathroom using the "peephole" in his underwear. I'm not sure I'll ever understand that kid. He can use the peephole, but won't poop to save his life. Ugh!

A + A = A+

For those of you who know Craig or I, you know that we both have Type A qualities. Well, when two Type A's have kids, those kids are either going to be really strong Type A's or are going to rebel. Drew seems to be following in our footsteps. Here are a few examples:
- Recently Drew had so proudly moved (reorganized several items in his room. Craig unknowingly moved all those items back as he was concerned that Ryan would get into them. The next day Drew made a sign for his door that said, "Do Not Arrange Anything!".
- Drew also recently told me, "I think organizing is fun, sometimes I think it is more fun than playing!" Poor kid doesn't have a chance.

As for Matt and Ryan, the jury is still out on their personality types, hopefully they can survive living with us!